


Even as there are ongoing moves by Stephen Keshi to step into the vacant Burkina Faso national team job, the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) President, Amaju Melvin Pinnick, confirmed Monday that a fresh deal for the ex-international to return to the Eagles job would be ready for signing by next week.

Pinnick similarly disclosed that a draft copy of the contract would be sent to Keshi today or latest by tomorrow morning for his consideration.

The Burkina Football Federation (BFF) last week announced Keshi as one of the three individuals on the shortlist for the national team job. Keshi is bidding for the contract alongside German Gernot Rohn and Milovan Rajevac.

But the NFF president who recalled that the Technical Committee of the federation had approved the reappointment of Keshi said that the delay in his re-engagement  was done in order to protect both parties from litigation that might arise in the future from contractual disputes.

"We want to protect Keshi and the federation from the clutches of litigation. We have done everything about the contract and will send the draft to Keshi on Tuesday for his inputs. This is the cause of the delay why we have not formalised an agreement. Hopefully by next week, the contract will be signed and he (Keshi) will be appointed as Super Eagles coach, "Pinnick observed monday.

He however admitted that Keshi has the final say whether to accept the Burkinabe proposal in the event he considers the Stallions offer to be more competitive than the package NFF is offering.

"Keshi is a man and ultimately he has the final say if he is not satisfied with what we are offering in relation to what Burkina Faso is placing on the table," Pinnick said.

The NFF chief recently parleyed with Arsene Wenger on the prospect of some exciting young Arsenal players with Nigerian roots, playing in the stripes of the Super Eagles in the future .

He said he intended to travel to England in a fortnight for exploratory talks with Liverpool Manager,  Roger Brendan on the future of winger Jordon Femi Ibe.

He also plans to discuss with Jose Mourinho at Chelsea as well as Man City gaffer, Manuel Pellegrini on the future of Kelechi Nwakali and Kelechi Ihenacho.

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