


Kano State Governor, Engineer Rabiu Musa Kwankwaso, has described the exit of  Olusegun Obasanjo from the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) as a fatal blow which points to the fact that the death warrant of the party is about to be signed.

Kwankwaso said the former president is a personality of great substance whose influence as a politician and elder statesman is too important to be ignored, adding that top notchers in the party underrating his exit are only shedding crocodile tears.

In an interview with journalist in his office on Monday,  Kwankwaso stated that the five governors that have defected from the Peoples Democratic Party to the All Progressives Congress were vindicated for seeing the futility of remaining in the party that had lost credibility and steam.

Kwankwaso said the PDP is on the road to extinction in the face of the abysmal rot in its leadership.

He however stated that the five governors had proven to everyone that they have political might to decide the fate of the party given the spectacular role they played in making it formidable affirming that the party had failed to live up to its billing in giving democracy a human face.

"At the time we were telling people that we can pull a surprise when we left the party, it appears that many people did not believe us. Now that we have left they have started realizing the fact that a great damage has been done".

He added that "We have already realized the fact that the party had completely derailed at the behest of a cabal whose egocentric ambition was only making matters worse. we cannot just wait and allow things to drift".

On the postponement of elections, Kwankwaso said he was not suprised by the decision taken as it was informed by the fact that the PDP was poised to suffer a crushing defeat at the polls saying no amount of postponement could ever make the electorate to change their mind.

According to ThisDay, he further said that change is what is badly needed in the country in the face of the appalling mess rocking the country saying the issue of insecurity could be used as a bargaining chip to defeat the PDP at the polls.

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