


President Goodluck Jonathan has postponed the inauguration of his campaign organisation earlier scheduled to hold on today, in honor of his younger sister, Mrs. Nancy Jonathan-Olei, who died on Sunday. 

Professor Rufai Akali, the Special Adviser to the President on Political Matters, announced the postponement at Legacy House, Maitama District, venue of the event, where dignitaries had already taken their seats awaiting the President’s arrival. 

“As you are all aware, His Excellency lost his sister, Mrs Nancy Jonathan-Olei, yesterday, in the morning,” Alkali said. 

“In view of this, he has decided to suspend this inauguration for today until tomorrow at 11 a.m. Mr President has asked me to convey his apologies for the inconveniences this postponement has caused, and to tell you it was due to circumstances beyond our control.” 

A minute of silence was observed for the repose of the deceased’s soul.

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