


Lolsss...This story you're about to read is one of making a demand from the wrongest person. Or, how best can one describe a situation where a convict on probation finds his way back to the prison after he accidentally sent a text to his probation officer asking him if he's got some weed?

See how the Huffington Post reported the story:
"A Georgia man is back behind bars after mistakenly sending a request for marijuana to the worst person imaginable.
"Alvin Cross Jr, of Albany, accidentally sent a text message reading You have some weed? to his probation officer, WALB reports. Cross was on probation after being sentenced to 15 years in prison for armed robbery offense in 2006, Dougherty County Lt. Lance Montgerard told The Huffington Post in an email. 
"In response to the text, law enforcement raided Cross' residence, where they discovered a bag of cocaine. As a result, Cross pleaded guilty on Monday to cocaine possession and was sentenced to a year in prison.
"Cross is not the first drug offender to fall victim to technology. October of last year, a New Jersey man allegedly setting up a marijuana sale accidentally sent a text about the deal to a police detective. That same month, a California woman sent a message to a narcotics detective while allegedly trying to set up an illegal deal for an opiate called fentanyl."
Apart from the Huffington Post, almost all major international dailies carried the story.

So next time you wanna ask for a way out of the bank vault after you've stolen some cash, never ask from the Bank official. Always re-confirm the recipient of your messages before sending them out.

Source: Huffington Post, WALB
Photo:  Dougherty County Police via UK Telegraph

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