


The venue was De Blue Roof at Alausa-Ikeja, Lagos in southwest Nigeria. And, the event was the official declaration of intention to contest for the Office of the Executive Governor of Lagos State in the 2015 general elections.

The 56-years old Speaker of the Lagos State House of Assembly, Adeyemi Ikuforiji, has officially made public his intention to run for the 2015 Lagos governorship election on the platform of the ruling party, the All Progressives Congress (APC).

The governorship aspirant who said he offered himself as a candidate with a clear vision of a greater Lagos and a commitment to leading the State on a new journey which will consolidate the gains of the past promised to make Lagos a global city and Africa's economic hub if elected.

Ikuforiji said he had struggled to ensure that Lagos State maintains its place in the nation and indeed becomes Africa's pre-eminent city. The UNILAG (University of Lagos) graduate also said he used his time and energy in helping not only to build democracy in Lagos State but to also expand the frontiers of Government, transparency and accountability.

If elected, the Epe-born politician said job creation and poverty alleviation would form part of his ten-point cardinal agenda.

To show their support for the ambition of the longest serving Speaker of a House of Assembly in Nigeria, several party members thronged the venue of the declaration and some of them expressed belief that Lagos State would experience the desired progress under his leadership.

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