


The former Secretary-General of the Commonwealth, Chief Emeka Anyaoku, yesterday, told the President-elect General Muhammadu Buhari that the expectations of Nigerians from the incoming government were high, urging him not to fail the people.

The expectations, Anyaoku said, were hinged on the campaign promises of the president-elect.

Speaking to journalists during his congratulatory visit to Buhari at the Defence House in Abuja, Anyaoku also extolled the virtues of the incoming president, saying he is a disciplined man who is averse to corruption.

He said: “I had useful discussions with President-elect, congratulated him on his victory and told him he's coming in as president on a very high wave of expectations throughout the country. I also told him that the high expectations are based on the promises he made during his campaign to the people but more importantly on the general perception of his character.

“He is perceived as a man with very strong sense of discipline, a man who is truly averse to corruption, a man whose lifestyle has been frugal not ostentatious or opulent and above all a man who is very committed to the welfare of the masses. I believe that if his administration reflects these qualities that the country’s challenges and problems would be effectively tackled.”

Asked by journalists to offer a diplomatic advice to the incoming government with regards to the xenophobic attacks in South Africa, Anyaoku said the president-elect should continue to work with the South Africa president.

He advised Nigerians living in South Africa to be law-abiding in their host country.

He said: “I think that Nigeria’s relations with the world at the moment is quite good. We have had a tiff with the South African situation but not with the South African government. I think the xenophobic attacks on foreigners in South Africa has been condemned by the South African government.

“I believe that the way President Jonathan has handled the issue has been very good. So I would suggest that the incoming president will continue the personal relationship with the President of South Africa so that when incidents like that occur, the two governments will have a dialogue.”

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