


President-elect, General Muhammadu Buhari (retd) yesterday, reassured Nigerians that the incoming government of the All Progressives Congress (APC) will not fail them.

Buhari, who hosted a delegation from Taraba State, also said by the end of his tenure in 2019, Nigerians would be confident of a society where elections would be free, fair and credible.

Buhari’s assurance was sequel to lamentations from the governorship candidate of APC in Taraba State, Senator Aisha Alhassan, who told Buhari that she was robbed of victory at the last gubernatorial election in the State.

Alhassan’s story, however, took Buhari down memory lane as he encouraged the candidate, who had earlier informed him of her journey to the courts to challenge the outcome of the election.

He recalled that he was in courts for several years over electoral frauds to fight for his rights.

He said: “It is a battle well fought and I am very pleased that you have taken the honourable way out. According to the Nigerian constitution, you may go to court. I was there three times and ended up in the Supreme Court.

“Sometimes, people wonder why I tried so hard. I tried so hard because it is a system I believe in. I believe that multi-party democratic system is the best form of governance with a big caveat that election must be free and fair.

“Really, this is why I am in it. I was in APP, I joined partisan politics in April 2002 and on that date, at my ward, those who knew me, and have been following my career antecedent in the military, would not believe it that I will participate in partisan politics and I will not also believe it. But I found myself in it and I never turned back.

“Within one year, APP gave me the ticket. There were governors, senators and much older people than me, but all the same, I got the ticket. I lost, I was in court for 30 months. In 2007, we tried to have a limited merger and became ANPP and again, I participated and was told I lost.

“I went to court for 20 months up to the Supreme Court and I felt that my party was not fair to me. While I was in court, the leadership of the party proceeded and took two marginal ministries in late Yar’Adua’s cabinet and an Adviser. For that disgraceful behaviour by the party leadership, I left the party and we floated the CPC.

“Again, I attempted in 2011 and lost and again and I was in court for about eight months. I contested now for the fourth time under APC having successfully gone through with the merger of the three legacy parties.

“So, Aisha, don't give up. You are younger and this is your first attempt. I contested three times and this is my fourth attempt. I hope that you succeed in court. I am impressed by the quality of Taraba people you brought here.”

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