


The All Progressives Congress Presidential candidate, Muhammadu Buhari, on Saturday said the Peoples Democratic Party was Nigerians’ worst nightmare in the last 16 years of democracy.

He added that it would be the worst mistake Nigerians would do to re-elect the party in the forthcoming 2015 general elections.

Addressing supporters and party stalwarts at the North Central zonal rally held in Lafia, the Nasarawa state capital, Mr. Buhari said Nigeria was characterized by corruption and ethnic sentiments in the last 16 years of the PDP administration.

Mr. Buhari said Nigerians must make a choice and the right choice that would guarantee the future of the next generation.

“PDP has destroyed Nigeria,” he said. “They have made it a tradition to create poverty and crisis in the country.”

The APC presidential candidate said there was no reason why Nigeria should import petrol from the International market while its refineries are deliberately destroyed and kept idle.

“Before, we use to have airline companies, shipping companies, railways, and four refineries namely Port Harcourt, Warri, Kaduna and Lagos where our petroleum products were refined for domestic use and 22 depots but PDP has destroyed them and the country now has to import fuel,” he said. “Don’t make a mistake and vote PDP again because they have made it a tradition to destroy the country’s potential and image for selfish reasons.”

Mr. Buhari urged the electorate to vote APC in all elections. He also urged voters to ensure they wait behind and protect their votes after casting their ballot.

The Nasarawa State governor, Tanko Al-Makura, said PDP had caused untold hardship to Nigeria and must be shown the way out in the forthcoming 2015 general elections.

Mr. Al-Makura who is the North Central coordinator of the APC said the zone fully endorsed Mr. Buhari’s candidature with Plateau state taking the lead followed by five other states including FCT.

“Plateau, Benue, Kwara, Niger, Kogi, FCT and Nasarawa the birth right of the APC presidential candidate have resolved to vote for APC and to ensure that change is made in the general elections,” Mr. Al-Makura said.

He explained that the potential of Mr. Buhari had risen by over 80 per cent compared to 2011 and that APC would sweep the entire zone from the house of assembly to the presidential elections.

“I am not surprised because the track record of Buhari speaks for itself; a role model, a detrablised Nigerian, and anyone who means good for this country will surely vote for Buhari for the country to move forward,” Mr. Al-Makura said.

He said the time had come for change and that a vote for Mr. Buhari would not be a waste but a value for the country.

“Vote for Change between rule of law and impunity, between civility and brigandage, change between excellence and brutal governance, the time for change is now and the leader of that change is General Muhammadu Buhari,” Mr. Almakura said.

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