


Our attention has been drawn to a statement credited to the President and founder of the Living Faith Church worldwide, also Known as Winners’ Chapel, Bishop David Oyedepo, which has gone viral. He was reported to have made the statement last Sunday when the President of the federal republic of Nigeria, Dr. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan came to worship at Faith Tabernacle, which is the headquarters of the ministry.

The falsehood that is being spread around by mischief makers is that the Bishop, while praying for the President, said, “I will open the gates of hell to anyone who oppose you.” A little later, some others who in an attempt to “defend” the Bishop, came up with another quote purportedly said by Dr. Oyedepo, which is: “I will open the gates of hell to those who oppose the peace of this nation.”

Well, let’s set the records straight: The Press and Publicity Unit of the church, publishers of Faith Tabernacle News, was at the 3rd service and recorded (on tape), the President’s 6-minute speech, the congregational prayer for him and the Bishop’s blessing on the President.

Dr. Goodluck Jonathan, who is also the presidential candidate of the ruling party – the PDP, came to the church as the President of this country, not as a candidate in the forthcoming elections. And Bishop Oyedepo prayed for him, as instructed in the Bible book of 1 Timothy 2:1-2, as the President of Nigeria not as a PDP standard-bearer.

Even though we have published it on this platform, for those who are yet to read it, these were the exact words spoken by the Bishop while he was leading the congregational prayers for the President. As always, he took his bearing from the Word of God:

"1st Timothy 2:1-2: I exhort you therefore, that first of all, supplications, prayers and intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men." Then on the priority list is "For kings and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty."

"I only had an idea of the President’s visit just yesterday. It wasn’t there last Friday when we had the One Night with The King. So we are going to be praying for our President. Let prayers and supplications and intercessions be made for all men; first of all, for kings, and for them that are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.

And after that I will do what the priests are asked to do. It says "Speak to Aaron, that after this manner shall ye bless." Proclaim blessings as a priest of God over our President, and the blessings will answer, in the name of Jesus Christ.

In Numbers 6:23-26, The Lord said to Moses and the children of Israel saying "On this wise shall ye bless the children of Israel saying: The Lord bless thee and keep thee; the Lord make His face to shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee; The Lord lift His countenance upon thee and give thee peace."

When that blessing comes to stay, something happens. You see, the generation of the Old Testament knew the value of blessings; they would even cry for it. Every blessing proclaimed upon you today must answer on your life.

I like us to be on our feet and lift the President up to God. Whatever you desire to see God bring about in his life; bring about in our nation, begin to pray that prayer right now.

Father, release your grace upon the President to manage the demands of his office.
Release unusual grace in increasing dimensions, to manage the demands of his office.
Cause your face to shine upon him.
Lord, grant the desires of his heart.
Grant Nigeria peace.
Under him, grant Nigeria greater advancement.
Thank you father, in Jesus’ name we pray.”


"This entire church proclaims the President blessed today
Blessed with divine wisdom to manage the demands of his office
Blessed with keys to see the miraculous in his life
Blessed with grace that will advance His cause in our nation
Every time we pray here, God hears. The Bible says 'Wherever 2 or 3 are gathered, I’m there in their midst, and if we agree concerning anything, it’s done for us.' Therefore, in the name of Jesus, our President is declared blessed.
His going out is blessed, his coming in is blessed.
The will of God is blessed in his life.
Thank you father, blessed be your name, in Jesus precious name."
And the whole congregation shouted "Amen". That was it!

1. There was no mention of “hell” in the prayer
2. There was no mention of “the gates of hell” in the prayer
3. There was no mention of “opposition” or “oppose” in that prayer
4. It is very clear that these mischief makers where waiting for an opportunity, which presented itself in President Jonathan’s visit to the church in the heat of the campaigns. And with what we have seen, most politicians can do just anything to whip up sentiments and score cheap political points.
5. The church has never been involved in partisan politics but has been prayerfully active in ensuring that the Nigerian ship doesn’t sink
6. The church has always obeyed the biblical injunction to pray for those in authority and the “peace of Jerusalem.”
7. This is not an attempt to defend the church or Bishop Oyedepo, as we already know that no matter how far a lie has travelled, the truth will definitely overtake it.
8. This is also not an attempt to defend God, because the Almighty God is more than able to defend himself.
9. As you read this, no one has even called to confirm from the ministry the veracity of this claim and a video recording of the service which is equally online has been labeled “doctored” by those who are bent on dragging the name of the church into partisan politics.
10. For the record, this is exactly what happened; whatever is being peddled was obviously created by those who want to benefit politically from the controversy; and promoted by bloggers who want to drive traffic to their sites; and spread by those who already think they have an axe to grind with their perceived lifestyle of Bishop Oyedepo.

Jesus is Lord!

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