


Sean Johnstone was jailed for 17-and-a-half years in the UK after he was found guilty of charges including rapes and violent attacks on his girlfriend, Samantha Miller.

The 43-year-old father of five held a knife to Miss Miller’s throat and raped her, while live streaming it to a chat room on the internet. Sean Johnstone also punched his then girlfriend Miss Miller so hard in the stomach when she was pregnant that their child was born brain damaged.

According to Daily Mail, Miss Miller moved to the Hartlepool and County Durham in 2002 and met Johnstone four years later. Miss Miller told Daily Mail that shortly after she got in with Johnstone, he began to control her life, throwing out her make-up and telling her what clothes to wear. Miss Miller endured the abuse for two years from 2006 before escaping from his home in December 2008.

Miss Miller said she was raped countless times by Johnstone, hit with heavy ornaments and callipers and often went without food. She said her two year relationship with Miller, during which he threatened to kill both her and their child was like “spending two years in a horror film." He also threatened to kill her unless she performed a sex act on his dog.

“I would wake up with him on top of me. The laptop was on in front of me and he said people were watching, that it was connected to a seedy chat room. I was pregnant at the time. He punched me in the stomach, then he raped me. I was too scared to go to sleep at night,” Miss Miller said.

The constant physical abuse she suffered while she was pregnant resulted in the brain damage of their daughter. Doctors said the brain damage was caused by a serious impact while in the womb.

Johnstone was convicted unanimously of every charge in 2012 as Judge Simon Bourne-Arton jailed him, saying he had a “deeply unhealthy interest in sexual depravity”.

Miss Miller who currently lives in Washington tells Daily Mail that she is planning to change her name and move out of the area with her daughter, before Johnstone, formerly of Hartlepool, is released from jail.

“He told me if I ever left him, he would find me and he would kill me. He still controls my life. My life, to this day, is controlled,” Miss Miller told Daily Mail.

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