


By Oliver Wheaton, Metro UK

A passenger flight turned into a boxing ring after some passengers told a woman to ‘shut her baby up’.

The brawl broke out on an Air China flight from Chongqing to Hong Kong on Thursday.

Two passengers reportedly became irate after being woken up by a crying baby mid-flight, and complained to 27-year-old mother Chan Juan Sung.

Witnesses said things escalated when the two disgruntled passengers fully reclined their seats to intentionally discomfort the mother, before the disagreement turned into a punch-up and air stewards had to intervene.

Fellow traveller Xiong Wan, who witnessed the fight, said: ‘[The mother] started shouting back at them, and before I knew what was happening she leaned over the seat, and punched one of them.

‘They then started hitting her and all hell broke loose.’

In a classic dad move, the pilot reportedly threatened to turn the plane around or even make an emergency landing if the women wouldn’t stop fighting. However staff were able to separate the brawlers and the flight continued to Hong Kong, where police were waiting to question the women involved.

An Air China spokesperson said: ‘Passengers cannot behave like this.’

Source: Metro UK

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