


The Chairman of the All Progressives Congress Transition Committee, Ahmed Joda, has accused the Federal Government transition committee, headed by Vice President Namadi Sambo, of starving the APC transition team of information to work with.

Joda explained that the committee had to rely on its own initiative to cover the grounds it had so far been able to cover.

The committee chairman said this while submitting the committee's interim report to President-elect, Muhammadu Buhari, at the Defence House, Abuja, on Thursday.

He added that the committee prepared and presented its interim report without any impute from the President Goodluck Jonathan-led administration.

Joda however said his committee was hopeful that the Jonathan committee would make a presentation to it on Friday (tomorrow).

The committee chairman, who led other members to the Defence House, said when they eventually got the input from the Jonathan team, it would be built into the final report to be submitted to Buhari after the inauguration.

The chairman also complained about the shortage of time as well as manpower because of the enormity of the work involved.

Buhari on his part lamented that despite his best of intentions, the Jonathan-led administration misunderstood the activities of the Joda-led transition committee.

He expressed disappointment that the outgoing administration refused to provide the committee the information it needed to carry out its duty.

The President-elect said: "It is not that we are preparing for indictment. We are trying to get a starting point, where exactly are we going to start from.

"We have seen the debt profile now and the performance of the economy. The question is what we can do about it, especially the urgent ones like social security and lack of fuel in the country and fraud. The list is endless.

"I thank you (committee) for what you have done and I hope that the subsequent submission by the government will make your job easier and more efficient and tell us where to begin from.

"What we expected was for the outgoing government to make a presentation to this committee and for this committee to study the document and make submission to the incoming government.

"For your simple mindedness, you went to work. But unfortunately, this committee is accused of being a Federal Government. From then on, this committee was constrained to take this initiative and breaking into various sub-committees and assigned various tasks to study the most important issues nationwide and see what they can put on record".

He said he expected that each ministry would make a presentation to the Joda-led committee to make things easier for both parties.

Buhari assured the committee that he and members of his team would find time to read the interim report and when the outgoing government decides to present its own report, it would be cross-checked and merged.

The Punch

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