


The Niger State Governor, Dr. Muazu Babangida Aliyu, on Saturday said the emergence of former Head of State, General Muhammadu Buhari, as the presidential candidate of the All Progressives Congress (APC) was a grand design by the party’s top leadership to cheat the North the opportunity to rule again. 

Aliyu, who stated this at a lecture organized to mark the 40th birthday of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) governorship candidate in Niger State, Hon. Umar Nasko, in Minna, said Buhari at 73 years lacks the capacity and energy to rule Nigeria, compared to a vibrant, younger candidate. 

Aside that, he noted Buhari’s antecedents as former Head of State and Chairman of the Petroleum Trust Fund showed he was never in control in manning the positions adequately and that he was fully aware of these flaws. 

Aliyu said: “The APC still went ahead and picked him as their candidate so that they can armtwist him and later take over power from him. 

“For how long will we continue to allow the North to be cheated? 

“They know we in the North want power at all cost, so they said who among them in the North do we give it to? 

“So, they decided to go for an old man who they know lacks the capacity to rule instead of a young vibrant (Governor of Kano State, Mallam Rabiu) Kwakwanso, who we gathered was suppose to be their presidential candidate, because he cannot be controlled. 

“And we all knew what happened when he was the Head of State. 

“He left power to (late Chief of General Staff) Tunde Idiagbon. 

“When he was the Petroleum Trust Fund chairman during the government of (late) General (Sani) Abacha, he left the administration of the organisation to his boys to handle all the contracts. 

“And when former President Olusegun Obasanjo wanted to probe the activities of PTF, the young boys all started dying one after the other. 

“He could not handle the positions.” 

Berating critics of his administration alleging none performance, Aliyu said it is only those that are blind that would accuse him of not providing the people of the state with the dividends of democracy. 

Accordingly, he said: “Since the creation of the state in 1976, no administration has executed the kind of projects executed by this government in the provision of adequate health care, roads, housing, good education among others. 

“Those that accused my government are either blind or crazy. 

“But then, even if you don’t have eyes, you can use your hands and feel (touch) the projects executed all over the state.” 

Earlier, the Director General of the Nasko Campaign Organisation, Hon. Aminu Yusuf, said the event was a symbolic socio-political one planned and strategically arranged to mark the 40th birthday anniversary of the party’s governorship candidate. Yusuf expressed confidence in the PDP winning the elections at all levels. 

Speaking also, Nasko urged the gathering to give their votes for continuity in the provision of good leadership and democratic dividends at all levels in the state. He thanked God for attaining 40 years.

Culled from: The Eagle Online

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