


Do you remember Jesu Oyinbo? Okay, we're not reporting about him now but our story is about Jesu Philadelphia, or Philly Jesus as he's known and called there in the US. This young man has been doing what the greatest miracle-working Nigerian man of God, T B Joshua, has not done.

Philly Jesus has been arrested after performing one of his signature moves - walking on water - and it proved as much of a hit in Philadelphia's Love Park as it was in the Gospel of Matthew.

Except for the police, of course, who say he's not the Messiah… he's a very naughty boy.

Philly Jesus (real name is Michael Grant) performs Christ-like stunts in the park every day by walking on water in the park's fountains, and occasionally baptising people.

So when a policeman arrested the popular local figure for disorderly conduct when he refused to leave the park, Philly Jesus had no shortage of disciples to help him out.

The performer claims that the heavy-handed policeman threatened to ‘f*** him up’ - not exactly an appropriate thing to say to the fake risen Christ.

Hundreds of online protests have now sprung up with the hashtag #FreePhillyJesus, campaigning to have charges against Grant dropped.

Philly Jesus is a recovering drug addict, but says he does not panhandle in the park - he just spreads God's message via the medium of splashing about in fountains.

Where's the harm in that?

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