


Contrary to the message of the campaign slogan among supporters and fans of Mr. Sina Kawonise that SK is OK, it seems some people, especially politicians in the Labour Party, no longer believe that SK is OK if this report by African Outlook is anything to go by. Below is the report:

The name substitution on who is the authentic Governorship Candidate of  Labour Party (LP) in Ogun State has torn apart the party, as one of the notable party aspirants, Sina Kawonise has threatened a court action. 

The crisis in the party was on Thursday suddenly blown open as Kawonise alleged that the party leadership robbed him of the ticket, by replacing his name with another person identified as Abolaji Sunmola.  Kawonise in a statement declared a legal battle with the leadership of the party, insisting that he remains the authentic governorship candidate of the party. 

Hear him: 

"My attention has been drawn to an illegality committed by the National Working Committee of the Labour Party (LP) in submitting the name of a certain Mr Abolaji Sunmola to the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) as the LP Governorship Candidate in Ogun State. 

"The fact of the matter is that I am the lawfully elected candidate of the LP in the state. I was the sole aspirant that attended the affirmative Congress of the LP in Abeokuta on December 10, 2104. The Congress that returned me as the Governorship Candidate was witnessed by INEC, the Directorate of State Security (DSS), the Police, and the Mass Media," he argued. 

"It is on record that the INEC team that witnessed the Congress duly wrote the Report of the Congress returning me as the Governorship candidate and submitted same to INEC headquarters in Abuja," the statement emphasised. 

Kawonise further declared that in view of the development, which he said was illegal, he decided to seek redress in the court. 

"My legal team has concluded briefs to take up the matter in the appropriate court. I call on my teeming supporters and that of Ogun LP to remain calm and continue the campaign for our candidates at all levels in the coming elections. I assure all that the law is on our side as judicial precedents on matters as this are very clear and unambiguous," he stated.

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