


The Kano State Hisbah Board has foiled the attempt of a father from giving out his daughter in marriage to the man who allegedly raped her.

Usaini Ja'afar and his friends were arrested after they were caught gang-raping a 13-year-old girl in Tudun Rubudi of Ungogo Local Government, Kano State. Usaini Ja'afar later pleaded for forgiveness and asked for the girl's hand in marriage, a  request that was granted by the girl's father, Mallam Ya'u Shuaibu.

Mallam Ya'u Shuaibu, who is a mechanic told Weekly Trust that he gave his consent because the alleged rapist had showed remorse and willingness to marry his daughter. A wedding day was already fixed.

In a new twist of event, the Director General of Kano State Hisbah Board, Mallam Abba Sa'id Sufi, has however revealed that the marriage had been cancelled till further notice.

"Yes, our attention has been drawn to the matter. We cannot allow the marriage to hold; we have stopped it. It is not only about the father and his daughter; it is a rape case, which is an offence in Islam", the Hisbah Director General  reportedly revealed.

"Let me tell you one thing; one cannot just rape a girl and then plead with her parent to allow him to marry her and get away with it just like that. It is not possible; we cannot allow this. According to Islam, he has to be punished for the sin committed. We cannot allow somebody to rape a 13-year-old girl and then marry her just like that; it is unfair. Investigation into the matter is still ongoing," he also added.

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