


IBADAN, NIGERIA - Tension is reportedly mounting in the four states under the control of the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC) in the South-West over the refusal of the governors to put cabinets in place more than two months after their inauguration.

The three states of Lagos, Oyo and Ogun have been operating administrative activities with skeletal appointive personnel and the civil service, 69 days after the governors' assumption of office, while Osun State has been without a cabinet for about nine months, after the re-election of Governor Rauf Aregbesola.

He was sworn in for his second term on November 26, 2014.

Lagos State has appointed only the Secretary to the State Government (SSG), same with Ogun State. Osun State has SSG and Chief of Staff while Oyo State has not made any appointment.

In Ogun, Osun and Oyo states, all the aides of the governors have been relieved of their appointments. Apart from Lagos, none of the governors has official media aides.

The scenario in the said states is a replay of the Federal Government under President Muhammadu Buhari who has committed himself to piecemeal appointment of his cabinet.

Tribune, however, gathered that the South-West situation is a direct fallout of Buhari's delayed decision on appointments, with the governors said to be waiting on him for the federal appointments that would accrue to their states and possibly filling them before making their local appointments.

The issue of ministerial nominees is said to be at the heart of this wait-and-see game, with Saturday Tribune being told by sources close to the governors that they (governors) and party leaders who would make the appointments want to see those who would go to the centre before sharing what is available at home to others.

The confusion reportedly created by Buhari's refusal to follow the usual practice of governors nominating appointees from states for federal positions is said to have further forced the party leaders, elders and governors to be circumspect on the appointment issue.

It is reportedly being reasoned that the ruling party in the zone might witness serious unrest if certain camps and their nominees already penciled in for federal appointments eventually fail to land the projected appointments with nothing for them to fall back on at home if the major appointments are done before their projected appointments materialize at the centre.

Buhari's perceived unpredictability, coupled with what an insider described as "undisguised decision to be his own man" is said to be serving as a restraint on the governors and party leaders in making major decisions on who should have what in their domains.

Despite the state leadership being mum on the official reason(s) for not constituting cabinets, Saturday Tribune's checks revealed a deep seated frustration and disquiet among party faithful who worked for the party's victory in those states and are expecting to be rewarded with appointments.

Though the list of commissioner-nominees in one of the said states is said to have been ready for a while, it could not be reportedly sent to the state House of Assembly due to political considerations occasioned by the delay from the president's end.

In the said state with a super-SSG and a political leadership with a near final say, the fate of a certain projected nominee for ministerial appointment is said to be one of the major considerations, tying down the hands of the decision makers to send the compiled list to the state Assembly.

Although originally a citizen of a neighbouring state, the said projected ministerial nominee once held a political appointment in the state where he is reportedly being packaged for an appointment at the centre.

Those packaging him for a certain ministry in Abuja are said to be seeking a nexus between him and the projected commissioner that would hold similar position in the state.

His failure at the centre could occasion a change of strategy at his adopted home state.

One of those expected to be appointed a commissioner in one of the said states told Saturday Tribune in near exasperation that "they (the decision makers) should do what they like. I don't even really care about the whole thing again. Those who worked for the party in rain and sunshine are expecting their local leaders to get appointments for some benefits to also come to them. Everywhere is just quiet. Nobody is saying anything to anyone. They are waiting on Abuja and Abuja is not ready. Our supporters are becoming weary and unhappy. Our leaders like listening to sycophants. If they want to know what is going on now with the party, let them try and conduct local government election".

In another state where the governor also won re-election, party members are reportedly miffed with the zero accessibility of the governor since he was sworn in for a second term.

Apart from incessant travel, the governor is said to be ruling the state practically all by himself using the civil service and this has reportedly not gone down well with members of the party eyeing political appointments.

The implementation of the 2015 budget is also said to be witnessing low performance in the absence of key government functionaries in the affected states.

The preparation for next year’s appropriation which should have commenced has reportedly not taken off in any of the said states, given the absence of economic teams.

It was learnt that the frustration and anger of party faithful over the issue is mainly anchored on the deafening silence from the end of the decision-makers.

Lagos State House of Assembly leadership recently expressed its readiness to work on the commissioners’ list once sent in by Governor Akinwunmi Ambode.

Governor’s spokesperson, Habib Haruna said recently work was on-going, on the list.

Another frustrated party man said "in one way or the other, everyone spent money on the election. Spending may differ in sizes, but some people should not make it look as if they spent all the money in winning the elections".

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