


HARARE, ZIMBABWE - A 33-year-old man's bedroom apparatus disappeared after NIKUVING (refusing) a Budiriro prostitute funds for services rendered.

Simbarashe Machokoto who resides in Mufakose said his manhood went AWOL after a romp with a hooker identified as Laiza, whose base of operations is in the vicinity of a Budiriro 4 Bar.

"I picked up a hooker called Laiza at a Bar in Budiriro 4. We did our business after agreeing on a US$5 charge at a makeshift lodge in the neighbourhood. Unfortunately I ended up incurring costs to the tune of $15 and I failed to settle the bill since I had only $5 in my pocket. I then promised to give her the money later since I was her regular," revealed Machokoto

He added that the thigh vendor called him a few days later demanding her dues but he did not feel like paying up giving one excuse after the other. He said that on the last day she called him, she told him that if he did not pay up, she would fix him, a threat that Machokoto dismissed as a joke.

"When I went to pee in the evening, I was shocked to discover that my manhood was missing," he said

He said he had a torrid time that night as his full bladder begged to be emptied. "I did not tell my wife, Rudo Macheke, on the first day. My body was feeling hot and in the morning I checked my privates and found they were still missing.

He said he went to a friend's place, Nhamo Thomas where he shared his troubles and together they consulted over four N'angas in Mufakose who demanded between US$50 to $100, a figure which he could not raise.

Nhamo then convinced him to try Vapostori at a place called Mapadhoki in Kuwadzana but Lady Luck was moody that day. The two friends returned home and Nhamo informed Machokoto's wife of the predicament her husband was in. Machokoto says his wife fumed for a bit but later calmed down after realising the gravity of the matter.

Machokoto said the ten days that he went without peeing felt like a 'year' because of the excruciating pain he had to endure.

He said they tried a 'certain' church in Waterfalls but failed to get help as they did not have the $300 that is required for 'booking'. Machokoto said by that time he was now openly crying as the pain had reached extremity. He sent word to his parents who then came and witnessed the shocking 'absence' of the bedroom equipment. He said he was past caring at that point as a result of the intense pain.

Family and relatives then arranged for an appointment with a Prophet from the Johani Masowe yeChishanu, Nyenyedzi Nomwe in Buridiro 4.

"When I got to Madzibaba's shrine, I was beyond myself with pain my feet were swollen and my tummy had become taut with urine. Madzibaba prophesied how Laiza had locked me using Juju from a sangoma. He then put his holy stick between my legs and something inside my stomach popped and my 'things' returned," said Machokoto.

He said he then discharged a strange fluid that was blackish, mixed with blood. "I used to hear these stories and never thought they were real but I had first hand experience my brother. The prophet urged me to go and settle my debt with the lady who had sorted me and warned me never to be promiscuous again.

"I would like to warn all men out there to desist from hiring prostitutes. If you can't resist them the pay up. I nearly died"

Machokoto who has one child with his wife, said he is grateful that his wife was understanding. He said he was not ashamed to have his story published, claiming it was a good thing actually, as it would serve as a lesson to other men out there.

The Prophet who rescued Machokoto, Madzibaba Enock said if it had not been for his timely intervention, Machokoto would have died.

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