


We got an email request from Mojisola Adebayo, the publisher of iPost247 Blog and an elder sister to the late Adeola Osinuga, to publish the shocking untold story of Adeola's suicide containing his suicide note, photos and video.

Everything you read below are as culled from iPost247 Blog:

In Loving Memory of My Dear Brother Adeola Osinuga (July 25, 1977 – July 27, 2013)

Late Adeola Osinuga’s eldest sister, Mojisola Adebayo makes shocking revelations about his death.

Today, March 16, 2015, I am using it to Honour his Memory by publishing “The Untold Story” of a very good friend and loving brother, Adeola Osinuga who committed suicide on the 27th of July, 2013, two days after his 36th birthday, and left a suicide note which baffles me till this day! I am STILL in shock and disbelieve over his death. LIFE IS A BATTLE!

[Adeola Osinuga Suicide Note]
"There is a war going on inside my head every day.A battle which can not be won.I’m fighting with my shadows, with my demons.I’m fighting myself.And it’s killing me slowly.”
Please, do this for my late brother, Adeola Osinuga, Share This: with friends and family on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+, Pin it, YouTube, LinkedIn, Email, do whatever… :),  I just want to use this day to reflect back on His Life, His Journey; What a Life, What a Journey…

I am writing this today because “I Had a Revelation” on January 12, 2015, hence my my cry out for the world to hear and share his story and my story.

“I am in Pain and Distress; may your Salvation, O God, protect me.” (Psalm 69:29).

I have compassion for his life and journey… if only I could be there for him but as the bible says, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge… (Hosea 4v6). I invite you all to read today’s blog post to learn more about how his life and death opened my eyes to see things differently.

I am one of those who used to say there is nothing like Spiritual Warfare or to put it in a better frame if you have never had an experience or true story around you to verify this fact. I was reading a book of recent from one of my daddy in the Lord, Daddy Dr D. K. Olukoya titled "STOP THEM BEFORE THEY STOP YOU". He wrote:
“Recently, I was invited to minister in a particular church. The topic given to me was “Born to Win” However, when I meditated on the topic. I discovered that what they actually needed was “Born to Fight”. Life is a battle. If you do not fight you cannot win. Victory is meant for those who are ready to fight the battles of life”.
Yes, this is a fact; I am devastated at his sudden and untimely death.  My Prayer and Declaration:
Whosoever and Whatsoever has to Die for me to make it in life shall Die, by the Power in the Blood of Jesus.
When you are under spiritual attack, Stagnation, Depression and Frustration will set for life. Friends and helpers will disappear from your life. It will be as if you are alone in this world, but if you are not tired of fighting, tired of believing; the only one who can and will fight for your soul is GOD. But when “Enough is Enough” what do you do? You speak out, you cry out for help and continue to look unto “Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;…” –  (Heb 12:2).

It is well with my Spirit, Soul, and Mind. God is my Refuge and Strength. “Enough is Enough” You Stop Them Before They Stop You, and the Violent take it by Force. My hope is in you, God, I am Steadfast.

My Story of Loss:

My Name is Mojisola Adebayo (Nee Osinuga), an Irish, resides in Dublin, Ireland. Today, March 16, 2015 is my 47th birthday! “What a Privilege to See another Year! Thank You Lord! I am Very Grateful”.

I know this day will come in my life when I am bold enough in the Anointed, to Publish, Publicize and Share my True Life Story to the whole world. I have been publishing other people’s story on my iPost247 Blog exactly 2 months ago today.

I will be posting a story per day, today and Tuesday March 17, 2015, which will all be about me, My Story of Loss ("The Untold Story"), My True Life Story, My Life, My Journey…, so you all can follow me.

On July 27th, 2013 my brother Adeola Osinuga committed suicide. His death is still a mystery to me!

Adeola’s younger brother Aderinsola Osinuga was preparing for marriage, July 28, 2013.

The last time I spoke with my brother, Adeola was on his birthday, 25th of July, 2013. I called him two times, no response. I left a voicemail and text message on his phone and wished him Happy Birthday. He called me back in the evening, but I noticed, he didn’t sound too happy and excited as he used to be when we talk over the phone. I asked if everything was ok with him, he said yes. In the course of our conversation, he opened up to me and said that he had no money to buy himself a shirt for the wedding day and that he was not excited about the wedding anyway; he might not be there for the wedding, he said. He also complained to me on the phone that day, that whenever the other siblings are talking and discussing with each other, especially Aderinsola, the groom-to-be and Abiola, senior sister, and when he comes around into their midst, they will stop their conversation and start to laugh instead, that really bothers him and he is not happy about the situation. I gave him my words of encouragement, and I told him my true feelings as well, that the same goes for me, that I am not happy to come to the wedding myself. I said to him that many people will condemn our actions and say we are not happy for our brother getting married. So, to encourage him to come to the wedding, I said to him not to worry, I wanted to give him money as a gift for his birthday anyway, but I will increase the money and bring along £200 for him when coming to London on the 27th of July, 2013. I asked him, if I should give the money to our so-called mother, he said NO, I should bring it along with me when coming. He promised to pick me up at Stratford station, as I have already said, that I will stay with him for my 3 days in London.

I had to exchange my Euros to Pounds, my so-called mother suggested that she will help me with the exchange of the money from her bank without paying commission. She later called me, and asked if I want to get the money exchanged (£750) when I get to London or she brings it to my house? I said, she should please bring it to my house, because I needed transportation money from Stansted airport to Stratford. She asked me if I will give her €5.00 for petrol when she comes around, and I replied, no problem. She came by, dropped the money, and I gave her €10.00 instead and asked her to give £500.00 to my brother, the groom-to-be as my cash gift towards his wedding, I collected £250 from her and she left.

On 27th July, 2013, I started my journey very early in the morning from Dublin, arrived Stansted Airport around 9.30am, I called Adeola on his phone, no answer, called again numerous times, no answer. I headed straight for Stratford station, thinking he will call me back, but no response from him. I got to Stratford around 10.30a.m still could not get through to him, then, I was confused and perplexed. I called my other siblings, but they told me they were all busy with the wedding preparations. At this point, I said to myself, it seems I am not welcome, after roaming Stratford station for more than 3 hours, waiting for Adeola’s call or any of the family member, but no luck. I had to find my way to the nearest internet cafe to look for a Bed and Breakfast near Stratford to stay for my 3 nights in London. While I was still searching on the internet, I got a phone call from Aderinsola, the groom-to-be, that he will come and pick me up around 1.30pm. He finally came, picked me up and we headed towards Adeola’s house since that was where I wanted to stay; nobody invited me to stay with them anyway.

We got to his apartment, and Aderinsola told me his car was not in the parking lot, so he is not at home. He did not bother to get down from his car to go and knock on his door. He just said, may be he did not want to help out in the marriage preparation. So, we left and I followed him everywhere because he had a lot of things to do, it was a day before his wedding.

In the evening, we went back to Adeola’s apartment to check on him again, still no sign of his car in the parking lot. We had to turn back and we went to our brother’s house Adesola (my junior brother). On getting there he called me aside and said: “There's something they are not telling us”. It seems our so-called mother and Abiola (my junior sister); know something, he said. So we were just very suspicious and confused at the same time. After spending some time in his house, I was taken to the bride-to-be house to help them out and prepare some dishes for the next day wedding party. I was all alone in the house, while we were still waiting for the phone call from Adeola.

Around 10.00pm, I had a phone call from my brother Aderinsola that they have found him in the room dead. When I had the news of his death “I was numb with shock”. I dropped the phone and I started crying all alone in the house. Few minutes later, I called them and it was my so-called mother that picked up the phone and I asked her was there anything they could still do to save him, she replied and said "He has died, He has died, so what?"… So what?!!!, I dropped the phone and started crying again and shouting which kind of a mother is this… So What?!

Later, around 11.00pm, I got a call from them that they had sent a taxi to come and pick me up from the house to come and see him and that they were all there too. So, I picked up my luggage, the taxi came and I got to his apartment at 29 Lupin Crescent, Ilford IG1 2JR, around 12.00a.m (midnight i.e July 28, 2013). As I got out from the taxi, all my siblings were outside and our so-called mother was standing there just looking at me as if I came from another planet. All my four siblings including my mother did not cry, no grief of his death in anyway. I asked them where he was, they all stood there, pointed to the top apartment that he was upstairs. I quickly ran to the apartment and there he was on the bed, stone-dead. (The Saddest Day of My Life). I started crying again, and kept saying Adeola, “WHY? WHY? WHY?”

The Police officer Gemma, who was there asked me, how am I related to him? And I said, he was my younger brother and I am the eldest in the family. She then came up to me after a few minutes, and said “Why? It is only you showing emotions, and the others are not?” I said to her “I too do not understand myself", it baffles me, no grief, no emotions, no feelings, nothing, they all just stood there as if nothing happened. Hmmm… Household Wickedness. This is what opened my eyes that was the last time I saw my siblings and my so-called mother, I had to keep my distance from all of them since that day. Something is not right here, but I cannot put my finger on exactly what it is.

So, the police officer came up to me again and asked me all their names and information of my siblings and she made a shocking revelation to me about the night which I am not going to disclose here; I am still in shock.

Around 1.30am, my sister, Abiola came up to the police officer and said they wanted to go home and rest, what? I have never had that before leaving your dead brother’s corpse still lying there while we are waiting for the morgue attendant to come for his body, you said you all want to go home and have a rest! Just too much to take in, unbelievable! So, all my siblings and my so-called mother left and I was the only family member left behind, all alone with the corpse. I still could not believe it?

Anyway, around 3.00a.m, the morgue attendant came for his dead body and that was the last I did see of my beloved brother – Very, Very Sad!

I had nowhere to go, my only option is to return back to Dublin, I said to myself. So the police officer gave me a local cab number and she left. There was this Irish flat mate in the house, I went to meet him and asked his permission to use his computer to buy myself a new ticket. He allowed me and I bought a new one-way ticket from an internet travel agency website, gave him cash and I used his credit card for the purchase. I Left the house around 3.30a.m to Stansted Airport with the cab, my new flight was scheduled to leave early in the morning 6.30a.m to Dublin.

On getting to the airport, I went to the checking-in desk to present my ticket for a boarding pass, but instead, I got the shock of my life. The lady looked at me and said you are not flying today. I said to her, my ticket is for today, 28th of July, 2013, she said no, your ticket date is 28th of August, 2013. I was dumbfounded. Can you imagine! I bought the wrong travel date out of shock and confusion, even the Irish man who helped me, could not believe it too when I told him over the phone because he was there, we both selected the date. “Just Too Bad”, I had the worst time of my life.

I was left stranded at Stansted Airport for 3 days, no money, and I now used my previously purchased return ticket back to Dublin on Tuesday Morning. Throughout my stay at the airport, no phone call from my siblings or my so-called mother.

To my surprise they went ahead with the wedding ceremony of his younger brother Aderinsola, on that same day, 28th of July, 2013. They were all happy [rejoicing] and full of joy, dancing, jubilating and celebrating as if nothing happened, no respect for the dead at all. Oh my God!… Let the wickedness of the wicked EXPIRE!!! In the Name of Jesus. 

An incident, I personally encountered from this our so-called “Mother”, some weeks before my junior brother, Aderinsola‘s wedding. I was about to send out text messages invitations to some of my friends for the wedding ceremony, I called my so-called mother on the phone, asked her thoughts about the wedding invite message I wrote? I read out the wedding invite letter to her on the phone and ended it with “Invitee, Mrs Adebayo”. To my surprise, she said “Mrs Adebayo indeed”. What?!?… Hmmm… Wait a Minute!… I am not yet divorced! I did not alter a word nor say something bad to her because it is not in my character to be aggressive instead I take everything to God. I dropped the phone, and I looked onto “GOD” I said “God did you hear what my mother said to me?” I cried myself to sleep that day. My daily declaration, I say this to myself every day that no matter what I am going through, I will not give up. GOD is my Strength.  (Be on the lookout for my True Life Story on Tuesday blog post, March 17, 2015, on my iPost247 Blog).

Today is not about me but my late brother, I will not deviate from Adeola Osinuga’s Story. This is just to tell and give you a little sample of what we went through and I’m still going through from this our “So called Mother”. So you can get a little picture from what my late dear brother Adeola Osinuga did go through, no love nor affection for him at all when he was alive, only full of their wicked plans and deeds. Like the bible verse Ephesians 6:12 reads: “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

PRAYER: Let the Wickedness of Witchcraft Power Overtake them by the Power in the Blood of Jesus, in the Name of Jesus.

[Meet the Osinuga’s Family- Pictures after the cut] – At the wedding on the same day they took away Adeola’s dead body to the mortuary, July 28, 2013; “What??? Who does that?”!!!

 The period of mercy for the WICKED IS OVER!!! 

A Brief Family History…

Late Adeyemi Osinuga, 63 – RIP (Father, Died in Nigeria). He died mysteriously two weeks after his trip to London and Dublin in 2003. Very unfortunate and sad, his first day in Europe, stayed with my sister Abiola in London, he was welcomed with a bowl of Cornflakes for dinner to bed, claimed no food at home -Would you believe that?

No one could attend his burial in 2003 because none of us had a travel document then and the only person that had (Abiola Osinuga - British, did not attend his funeral as well). It was very sad the poor man that had 6 children all abroad, none was there for his burial not even the wife. On the day of his burial in Nigeria, my so-called mother went to work here in Dublin, Ireland, no respect whatever for the dead. Hmmm…

……. “Thou shalt not suffer a WITCH to live”. (Exodus 22 v 18).
Esther, Kehinde Osinuga, 66 (Mother, Dublin – I Rest My Case….)

Mojisola Adebayo, 47 (Me, Eldest Sister, Dublin – Just there… My Story Tomorrow).

Adesola Osinuga, 45 (Senior Brother to Adeola, London – 4 kids and a partner – Just there…).

Abiola Osinuga, 40 (Senior Sister to Adeola, London – Not Married, No Children).

Late Adeola Osinuga, 36RIP (Late, London) – Something doesn't add up here! There are suspicions surrounding his death (Bewitchment, Manipulation,, Conspiracy, Household Wickedness…. and the list goes on… God knows everything.)

Aderinsola Osinuga, 34 (Junior Brother, London – The Groom, Married, No Children), And

Bolanle, Temitope Osinuga, 29 (Junior Sister, Dublin – Not Married, No Children).


[Adeola Osinuga’s Dead Pictures] – I am posting a picture of him, I took on the night of his death … It’s quite graphic so discretion advised.

[Pictures after the cut] – My observation, something is not right here! A well laid quilt/duvet bed cover on his body with a note at the foot of the bed as it is in the picture below, (Nothing was moved or touched, and that was the way the police found him. No struggle whatsoever while under the cover before his death! How can someone tuck into bed (that is, pull the bed cover over himself) without moving the suicide note at the foot of the bed or roughening the bed cover? I can continue and go on and on… (How do you explain this?)!

I was not there for his funeral to say my farewell because of spiritual reasons and advice. Today, provides me the opportunity to say ‘Adios’ my beloved brother Adeola Osinuga. (Gone, but not Forgotten). I love you but God loves you more… I’ll See You Again! May Your Soul Rest In Perfect Peace… (RIP).

The last time I saw him alive was in London, on February 4th, 2013. We had a family meeting on February 3rd, 2013, about his case and his condition, but could not come up with a conclusion; an inconclusive meeting. 

[Must-Read Younger Sister Eulogy] – Mocked her dead brother

[Also, Must-Read Senior Sister Eulogy] – Mocked her dead brother

Family Emails Evidence of Wickedness:

Prior to Adeola Osinuga’s death, see some of the numerous emails trails, that we have been sending back and forth concerning the problem Adeola was facing with the wicked so-called mother, brothers and sisters.

One of Late Adeola Osinuga’s Email: (Must-Read his pathetic email to the family)


Mine response: (Mojisola Adebayo email to the family) – Must-Read

Another email from me: (Mojisola Adebayo to the family)


Emails Evidence after his death:

An email received from Abiola Osinuga after the cut, on June 9, 2014, where she attached the two-page Coroner’s letter, she writes:

“….. The Coroner concludes that he died of natural causes ….”


Another email received from Abiola Osinuga after the cut on the June 25, 2014. She writes:

“His death was un-timely but let us take comfort in the fact that he died peacefully and naturally in his sleep so I truly pray that we can all celebrate his life together as he would have loved and deserved to be celebrated.”

Oh my God what Happened?

Hmmm… “A Conspiracy Theory”! 

Please find below after the cut mother’s email received on September 17, 2013. (I did not attend meeting).

Interesting…, so “On a lighter note”…., Hi Friend… :), Do You Need a Loan? You can apply to the Osinuga’s family (Adeola's Fund). Contact “me” for more information. Availability: (On a first come, first served basis!); …. OMG! It is just a month after her son's burial; Osinuga’s family … What a shame!!! 

Abi replies email that same day, September 17, 2013. Please see email below;

(So my question is; how much did they actually sell the car? where was the car found, was the car reported to the police missing in the first instance?). Many More questions than answers.

Hmmm… –  “10% Tithe and Offering”… indeed! Sharing funds received from the sale of Adeola’s car among themselves that soon!… What a Pity? 

Sola replies email too that same day, September 17, 2013. Please see email below;

This is a 36 year old brother and son; mother and siblings are sharing his assets like that so soon!…. What do you think?

Again I say Farewell My Dear Brother

Adeola Adeleke Osinuga

Finally, I wish God to grant my dear late brother Adeola Osinuga an internal rest in perfect peace. The “Evil One” at work does not allow him to fulfil his goal in life.

O God Arise, pass through the land in violent anger and slay the wicked, in the Name of Jesus

Gone Too Soon! … “Gone But Not Forgotten”…

[Must Watch Video]: In Loving Memory of My Dear Brother Adeola Osinuga

Please your views and comments are welcome!

Regarding his suicide note, his dead pictures, the wedding and my two sister’s eulogy in the pamphlet program. Also on the heading “Celebration of Life” What kind of life do one celebrate? For a 36 year old guy without a Wife, nor Girlfriend nor Children, No work, Deserted, Loneliness, Depressed, Frustrated, Manipulated, Hatred, Wickedness, Affliction of Diseases to mention just a few! Do you celebrate a life that achieves nothing? Is my question. Is it not a life well spent that you celebrate? Why are some people so wicked?!!!!!!!

I just want to say… Thank you JESUS, Thank you LORD.

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