


Nigeria, Brazil and the Netherlands recalled their ambassadors from Indonesia and expressed fury Sunday after Jakarta defied their pleas and executed their citizens for drug offences.

Nigeria's Minister of Foreign Affairs, Amb. Aminu Wali, on Sunday in Abuja summoned the Indonesian Ambassador to register Nigeria's protest over the execution, by firing squad, of two Nigerians.

Solomon Okafor (aka Namaona Denis) and Daniels Enemuo (aka Diarrassoube Mamadou) were two Nigerians among other nationals executed Sunday by the Indonesian government for drug offences at the Island of Nusakambangu in Cilacap, Central Java Province, in spite of appeals by the Federal Government.

"The executions were carried out despite persistent pleas for clemency made by the federal government, including the National Assembly.

"The executions had taken place against the grain of the excellent relations that subsist between Nigeria and Indonesia".

He also strongly appealed to the Indonesian authorities to exercise clemency for other 12 Nigerians on the death row in that country.

Executed with them were two women, one each from Indonesia and Vietnam, two Brazilians, and one Dutch national.

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