


The Head of Media and Publicity of Buhari Support Organisation (BSO), Dr. Chidia Maduekwe, has said it will be a futile effort for anyone to seek to compare the leadership qualities of the former Head of State, General Muhammadu Buhari (rtd) and that of President Goodluck Jonathan.

Maduekwe, in a statement issued on Thursday took a swipe at the Senior Special Assistant to the President, Dr. Doyin Okpe, for describing the emergence of Buhari as APC presidential standard-bearer as a fatal error.

Okupe had upon the emergence of Buhari as the presidential candidate of APC for 2015 elections declared on Tuesday that Buhari’s candidacy was a fatal error.

Okupe further described Buhari as a serial loser. His words: “The choice of APC or their decision to elect Buhari as their standard bearer is a fatal error. I have been in this game for nearly 30 years or more. I understand this game of politics very well. Buhari is not a winner, has never won, and will not win; and it is for a reason that he has never won.”

However Maduekwe said it was unfortunate that the likes of Okupe had failed to see the imminent change in the political landscape of Nigeria which Buhari champions.

He wondered why Okupe would fault a transparent process that brought Buhari as the presidential candidate of APC.

“Numerous commentators have commended the APC for a flawless presidential primary and the emergence of Buhari as the presidential candidate. It is only the PDP and their several human megaphones with jaundiced sight that has failed woefully to appreciate what every other person in the world has seen and commended.

“With the current emergence of Buhari, most Nigerians are beginning to have a sense of relief that we are getting back on good democratic culture reminiscent of the MKO Abiola days.

“APC has demonstrated that democratic culture of Nigeria has come of age and there is hope that things from now will start getting only better. Nigerians can start learning how to walk tall once again among comity of other successful democratic cultures that is distilled in the values of transparency and fairness.

“One is at loss as to why Okupe should be losing sleep and bashing emerging democratic values that Nigerians have all been yearning for all these years. Online media, the common man on the street and the global community are all pouring in applause for this new culture.

“It is on record that about 6,000 APC delegates expressed their democratic rights transparently and massively and voted for Buhari out of the choices presented to them.

“The process was streamed live, states by states delegates fulfilled their obligation as prescribed within the rules of democracy which requires secrecy and individual expression of choice .The democratic rights of these delegates should be respected and not condemned.

“Okupe has spent 30 years on the wrong side of history in politics. He is shocked that what he represents was dislodged at the last APC presidential primary. Nigeria is set to move on to the new level under the leadership of Buhari. Integrity in Nigeria will be moved from the mud that is currently located,”, he said.

Maduekwe recalled that the ruling PDP in its 16 years of being in power has never witnessed a presidential primary election so transparent as that of APC.

He further stated that Buhari deserved Okupe’s commendation for not looting the public treasury despite occupying various exalted offices.

“The PDP for 16 years of their misrule have never held any convention that came close to this very first APC presidential primary.”

“Nigerians are not blind like Jonathan’s men which Okupe speaks for. Nigerians are simply saying the time for integrity and good governance has come. APC delegates saw expression of their idea for a new Nigeria made possible under Buhari leadership and massively voted for his candidacy at the APC primaries,” he said.

Credit: ThisDay

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