


This is somehow funny that you can't help but laugh. Ok! Have you imagined the ripples a translation error can cause? I mean, imagine a cash machine with a sign in your local language that translates to FREE ERECTIONS when it actually should translate to FREE CASH. This is exactly the situation in the town of Aberystwyth, Wales in the UK.

The gist is that a Tesco outlet in the town considered having a sign on the ATM written in Welsh language. However, because of translation mistake, a wrong word was used in the Welsh sign. Instead of FREE CASH, the Welsh words used translate to FREE ERECTIONS.

According to Daily Express, the sign should have read 'ARIAN AM DDIM' which means free money but instead featured 'CODIAD AM DDIM' which means free erections.

The town's Welsh speaking councillor Ceredig Davies reportedly spotted the error. He said: "There were a few titters in the town so I went down to have a look myself.

"Ten out of ten to Tesco for considering the Welsh language. But perhaps they should have had it checked by an actual Welsh speaker before putting the signs on the machines.

"People get their Welsh translations wrong from time to time but this one is hilarious," Davies said.

The sign above the cash machine was taken down yesterday by managers at the Tesco Express store and they are investigating the mistake.

Shoppers suggested the supermarket had used Google Translate to find out what free money meant in Welsh.

Tesco said the correct translation would be put above the cash machine as soon as possible.

A spokesperson added: "Thanks to everyone who pointed out the mistake."

Source: Daily Express

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